Run>Routine . 2009

Run>Routine is an installation that stages a daily episode. As in his previous works, Lucas describes intimate situations, searching the limits between public and private. According to the artist, videos are capable of “exploring the rhythm, the visual, the textures and also of discussing experiences that people go through”. The work is composed of 26 small accidents, that are put in dialogue with dissonant scenes. The fright and the surprise rely on a random script, which presents each domestic incident arbitrarily. The code routines become part of the domestic routine. The work highlights similar and antagonistic processes: to delete and to remake, to remember and to forget.



title: Run: routine

technique: computer-based video projection, application routine

dimensions: room with 4m x 7.5m (approx.)

projection # 1: 1.68m (w) x 3m (h) projection # 2: 3.7m x 5m *

year: 2007



A series of video sequences are screened according to a simple execution script in a

PC computer. The command lines are seen in a LCD display, mounted on the wall in

front of the viewer. The script shows a routine, a typical algorithm compiled in C++

and its performing tasks: the random file access, the buffering allocation, its

execution. Such ‘script’ triggers the video sequences: after each command we watch

a short video, and then the scripts starts again. Opposite to these scenes there is a

big screen, showing images of floating objects, particles suspended in time and

space. The project reinforces the idea of a an autonomous system, in endless

repetition, contrasting to a narrative always suggested by a video running in play




set up and space

_dark room with approx. dimensions: 4m x 7.5m, with ceiling at 3.5m (allowing a projection from the ceiling)

_projection video #1 is vertical, at the floor surface.

_projection 2: wall painted in white

_LCD screen positioned in front of the projection #1




_video projector #1 > 2000 ANSI lumens (LCD or DLP)

_ video projector #2 > 3000 ANSI lumens (LCD or DLP)

_PC computer with at least 512Mb RAM + graphic card NVidea with 256Mb Dual screen

_1 LCD display (19’)

_amplifier/receiver (Dolby 5.1 Pro Logic) and speakers with 100W RMS per channel from the PC audio output.


The original setup was ooded by Paulo Gervilla and presented at Copiar & Colar, at Sesc Pompeia (2007) and at Expanded Box at Arco, Madrid (2008). The new setup presented at Restraint exhibition at Oboro, in Montreal, Canada (2009) was made with Pure Data and its coding was done by Ricardo Palmieri.

documentation on Restraint exhibition:




Run: routine

[portuguese description]


As seqüências de vídeo são reproduzidas a partir de uma rotina simples de execução de arquivos em um computador do tipo PC. Exibidas numa tela do tipo LCD fixada na parede diante do visitante, as linhas de programação (compiladas em C++) revelam o algoritmo simples utilizado: a escolha randômica do arquivo, sua alocação em memória temporária, sua execução. Esse ‘script’ que dispara cada uma das seqüências de vídeo antecede cada uma das ações: ao final de um comando temos uma seqüência em vídeo, ao final desta vemos novamente o comando que dispara uma nova seqüência. O dispositivo reforça a idéia de um sistema autônomo, em infinita repetição, bastante distinto de um vídeo em modo ‘play’.




A repetição sugere a idéia de uma ação que em tudo parece igual, mas que pode evocar sensações diferenciadas, implicam em conseqüências distintas. O trabalho expõe as faces de operações antagônicas e similares: apagar e refazer, lembrar e esquecer, susto e tempo suspendido, repetição ‘maquínica’ e produção de caos. As rotinas de código passam a fazer parte das rotinas domésticas, ‘orgânicas’ talvez, corrompidas, sempre conturbadas.

  • veja aqui uma entrevista sobre a apresentação de Run>Routine na Arco Madri 2008, no Exapnded Box, com curadoria de Claudia Gianetti
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